Keira Knightley, who is one of the world's highest paid actresses, leads a pretty frugal life.
According to newly released accounts, the 28-year-old actress paid herself just 30,000 pounds last year even though her firm Kck Boo Ltd earned 1.5 million pounds through her movies and commercial deals.
The details also showed that the Oscar nominated star lowered her spending outside of her salary, too.
A source said that Knightley took home just 20,000 pounds in dividends from the company in 2012 and a salary of just 11,000 pounds.

The insider asserted that her biggest expenditure was 41,000 pounds, which was on security.
The source added that her travel costs amounted to just over 4,000 pounds and she didn't pay for a personal trainer, despite spending almost 1,000 pounds on one the year before.